
The power of saying NO

Only the fact that I write this article is funny as hell! Thinking how compliant and giving I have been in my life, putting barriers around me has never been clearer in my eyes.  The purpose of this article, is not to fill you with deny and make you an egocentric and arrogant creature that only cares about itself, but to put some things in order, for your own sake and others.

Unfortunately this world isn’t perfect and I see it as a game without rules, meaning you have to create your own to avoid exposing yourself to unhealthy situations. Pretty obvious I say but many have failed repeatedly including me. If you haven’t realized it yet, this jungle we live in is filled with carnivores, and if they don’t bite you, they sure want to have squares from your land and the counter reaction should always start with a big fat NO.  Humans need training and using NO is the best way to do so.

I will talk from experience. Being giving is very nice and one of my purposes in life, helping others face their problems and give them inspiration to become better BUT never harm yourself during the procedure! What I got in return many times? Insults, taken for granted, whispers behind my back, or been ignored after helping out, but of course in the first need my help was more than necessary. To be reasonable and fair I have also been respected, admired, loved, worshiped and considered godlike. The fact is that when I changed my attitude to the ungrateful, first they reacted and then they stfu. So simple, just put boundaries and train those around you to treat with respect and don’t be too hard on them. Usually the ungrateful won’t act to harm you on purpose; they just think they own some of your land. So kick them in the butt and show them their boundaries.

Also NO is a reaction to suppression. Why do something when you don’t like it? Speak your mind, if they don’t appreciate your honesty, it’s their problem not yours. Suppressing and not expressing is more like deleting your will and be a follower, if you enjoy being a follower act according. 

NO is a life stance as well. Don’t believe and accept everything you hear and see, filter first, judge and then accept. Think your mind as an antenna receiving signals with some of them being useful and some not. Cut the frequencies you don’t need.

Finally as I pre mentioned, don’t be in a constant deny it won’t help you, instead be open minded and protect yourself.