
The Christmas meal guilt and why you shouldn't have it

        As I said in yesterday's post one of the best things Christmas (most holidays and celebrations in general) is large quantities of food ready to be consumed.Even if someone isn't following a diet,it will be natural to feel a bit guilty of gaining weight after binging loads of candies,chocolates and many other things.There are two ways to avoid that feeling:

a)You can avoid it by using control methods like putting mental barriers to prevent overeating or eating less the rest of the day.
b)You can embrace it and accept that overeating can benefit you.

      The second point seems odd and indeed it is but stay with me.It is obvious that overeating in a constant manner for a long period of time would lead to obesity but we are not discussing this here.It is a fact that after eating metabolism rises by an amount(see here for more) so for those one time binges your body tries compensate by doing so.Also lately there is a nutritional focus on the leptin hormone.This hormone controls hunger,metabolism and other things.It raises when the body is in a caloric surplus state while it drops when we are on a caloric deficit.When this hormone rises you get better fat oxidation so after a huge meal you lose fat easier.So it is obvious that you get a high-low procedure which when used correctly may even give you better results while also eating magnificent food like this christmas turkey.

PS.For someone who wants to see more about the subject I highly recommend reading here .