
Τhe truly hardcore

I remember when I was playing a videogame and I managed after many hours to achieve a certain goal in it I considered myself hardcore. In my mind that was a truly hard thing to do and I thought that only a very small amount of people would be able to do that. I had also the same feeling for various other meaningless things like reading all night for a test and things like that. I was that naive.

The years passed and my view on this matter changed a lot. I don't consider myself hardcore anymore even if some things get myself on the edge. This is mainly because everyone of those hardcore things are my choice. It is a bit silly to consider yourself hardcore to a hobby or anything that is your choice to do. The definition of the truly hardcore is for someone who has no choice but to act like that. Someone who does three jobs to provide for his family is truly hardcore. Someone who experiences the death of a close relative and faces the fact by moving on with his life quickly is truly hardcore. You get the point. The truly hardcore face the worst things life throws at them without whining but with acting against them.

They survived a war and we whine about not being able to get the next Iphone
So next time you get mad because the boss yelled you at work or you get late at home remember that this is nothing. There is a saying that says when the going gets tough, the tough get going. At least this is what I am trying to do even without considering myself tough.