
Clarity might save your life...

Recently a relative of mine had a major accident. He works as a security guard in a public school, in an area where many immigrants live. Recently during a regular check before he finished his shift, he was attack by 3 people furiously. It doesn’t matter if they were drug users or thieves, what matters is that he was left almost unconscious in the dark, bleeding badly and had his nose broken like Lego bricks.

The first and most important thing he did was to try and cover his head as much as he could from kicks and punches so that he won’t push out. Second after he was on the ground being mugged, he imitated that he had passed out. Finally he had the following options, either stay and hope someone would find him which was less likely to happen since he was on a deserted place; try to call for help, but he couldn’t because his jaw was broken and there was a chance that he could be heard and so they might come back and finish the job, or drive with any strength left to the nearest police station (obviously his cell phone was stolen and luckily his car keys had dropped nearby). 

What I like to point out from this example, is not a sophisticated way of thinking but that no matter what difficulties you face, you must always stay strong and have clarity of mind. It is clarity that will save you from unpredictable circumstances. Panic never solved anything, alert and good perception on the other hand is mandatory. No matter how surprised you might be from any incident, be calm and act with reason. You might save your life.