
Working out with discipline

It is common to see in gyms people of different ages and different body times. There are thin guys, regular and muscular or beasts. Of course each category follows a different workout program because it has different needs. Problems start to happen when you see people from one category jump to another, instead of progressing gradually.

It is obvious that a more muscular guy will lift more than a regular and a regular more than a thin. But thinking that a thin guy could lift 120 pounds, excuse me that won’t gonna happen! It is more likely to have a major injury like dislocation or rip joint links than have a ripped body!

It is common to see advertisements with guys weight 200 pounds of meat or more and is reasonable to think that lifting more than you can handle will help you. But most of the times the results you see are part of years of exercise or steroids. Don’t expect to have similar or much less in a couple of months.

What you can do though, is to observe guys from higher categories. Watch their weight progression and their weight lifting or exercising technique in general. See what you can get from their program including new exercises nutrition etc. After you finish your program chat with them and always but always search facts for yourself!

A good gym is like a pocket Wikipedia, workout and try to take a pic of others’ their routine. Gradually with discipline and will your goals will be fulfilled.


Anonymous said...

Hehe. Wraio post j@ck
Alla min ksexnas
Opoios anakateuetai me derivatives
ton trwei o Soros ;)


J@cK said...

Indeed Soros is on the top of the food chain :)