
Simple tips to lose fat Pt. 2

Yesterday we saw what I did to lose the extra weight and today we will see why I followed those steps.

First of all some things I didn't mention in my previous article. When I followed the bodybuilding diet, I did it the wrong way meaning, I started eating too much calories and didn't progress gradually. Second on my meals I was eating low fat milk products (cheese and milk). It was wrong and I believe I would have better results if I ate this extra fat.

Now lets explain each step:

1) By going back and eating 2 times a week I did what my body had learned to do for several years. If for 20 years you eat two times a day and suddenly you eat 4-5 it is a bit of a shock for your body, so I went back to what I had learned to do. Eat like a beast twice a day.

2) In my humble opinion when you have extra weight, going to the gym and weight lifting was the most stupid thing to do! Why? Because of the extra weight curried by my joints especially knees. Walking is an excellent exercise and I prefer much more doing it than running.

3) Why not eating fruits? Because fruits have natural sugar meaning extra carbohydrates which I didn't need. If I needed fibers vegetables and pulses did the job as well

4) Why lemon? Well it has many benefits many of which you can see here It help a lot with fat and is a must for any diet!

5) Ok I cut carbohydrates but not that much. Mostly I cut bread, rice and potatoes. I ate bread only two times a week and max 1 time chocolate. I didn't exercise so intense so I didn't need much fuel for my muscles, instead I got what I needed from dairy products .

6) Now I ate salad with meat and fish obviously. Second those two have low calories and vegetables in general have fibers which are essential. Peppers are hard to digest meaning more energy is consumed by your body and second carrots have b-carrotin 

7) Alcohol isn't the best thing to drink when on diet because it has many calories and the body can't process it but instead it is stored as fat.

8) Meat has fat and if you want to learn your body to burn fat you have to eat some first! Probably I will explain this or Tivadar in a future post!

9) Going on starvation won't solve anything. If I was to go for a walk and it was cold outside, I would eat more. If I had to stay home and work I would eat less, I think its pretty simple!

Finally and more important. What I ate was fresh, home produced home consumed, it is something to take seriously under consideration no matter the diet you follow and I believe it was the most important part of my diet!