
Nutrition basics-Fat

   Fat was considered the thing to avoid some years ago(well in the 90s).The food industry took advantage of this and many low fat products were produced.But overweight people remained that way even by avoiding fat so it seems that fat wasn't the problem. Fat is said to be connected with various diseases and that was the main reason people avoid it.Lately though this trend is starting to change.Saturated fat isn't so bad anymore and egg yolks isn't supposed to kill you.

Not so deadly after all
     The misconception that fat is,well,fattening comes from the fact that fats are the most densely caloric source in a diet.One gram of fat is equal to nine calories.That is more than double the calories contained in each of the other two macros (protein and carbs).Also fats are more readily stored throughout the body when in excess,rather than immediately used as energy.As Lyle mcDonald says simply excess dietary fat is directly stored as fat.
    Then why you should have fat in your diet?A reason is that eating fats can make someone feel full more easily.They are more difficult to digest too.These two can lead to limited overeating.Furthermore your body needs fat to maintain general health. Particularly the so calledgood fats are good for your heart and your cholesterol.The good fats are the mono unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.The famous omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish fall into the second category.From the bad fats trans should be definitely be avoided.Saturated fats,though often associated with cardiovascular diseases,have benefits such as playing a vital role in the health of the bones and enhancing the immune system.So while they shouldn't be eaten as much as the good fats they certainly have a place in a healthy diet.
    That was a brief overview of fats role in a person's diet.Next time I am going to write about carbohydrates.