
Computer dependency. When enough is enough?

It is true that computers play a huge role in our lives. Their role was to help people with repetitive tasks especially calculations but now they can provide much more than that. They can provide us with information,entertainment even social interaction. I remember the times that something happened to my personal computer. I was completely annoyed until it was fixed. At those moments though I also noticed how much power that machine has on me. Now most people will say whatever I am not like that. Of course you are not until you realize that you cant live without your smart phone. They are little portable computers in a sense aren't they?

The perfect image showing this phenomenon is the following.

The first part shows how mp3 downloading changed the way people treat music.

The second part the effect of being able to see movies and TV series even before they are released on your computer. It also shows how seeing a movie became from a thing to spent time with others to a thing you do mostly alone.

The third part is how social interactions is now beginning to be limited to online chats,likes and follows. It is also a bit sad that when you meet someone new to you now they ask you if you are a part of those online communities in order to see things about you there instead of getting to know you by direct contact.

The fourth part is about information flow and how the internet changed how much we know. This isn't necessarily bad because lots of information are available to everyone. The other side of the coin is that there are lot of unconfirmed or simply bad quality news that mislead people into believing things which they shouldn't.

The fifth part of the image is showing how creativity became from a subject with a lots of different variables to just knowing how to control a program in order to make something.

Of course there are more things that went from real world to virtual. This is not going to end. It will continue to spread to nearly every aspect of life. As long as it provides life improvements this progress is a welcome addition to our lives. But as with everything it becomes bad when there is control involved and unfortunately there are signs that we are not shielded against it.