
The cycle is closed another just begins

I am not sure if 2011 was the best year of my life. After some thought I guess it should be, because I have lived my best and my worst moments in this period and that made me a much richer person. I hope 2012 will give less pain and more rewards. Generally speaking 2011 for the rest of the world was a year like all others, except the economic crisis and the misery it brought with it.

Now, in my humble opinion, 2012 is going to be even worse.To be more specific:

First of all we will have the end of the world, so this is a major problem. Seas are going to flood the land, earthquakes, comets etc. We can’t do much about it so grab some pop-corn and watch it happen.

Second economic crisis is going to get worse and I mean really worse. I don’t think there is going to be a country without problem except maybe Holland, Scandinavian countries, Switzerland and South Africa. Violent riots will occur all over the world as a result of strict taxation policy.

Third, a new war may occur. I don’t know if it’s going to be Lebanon, Syria or Iran but Middle East is on fire and as usual USA wants to extinguish that. War is in the air everywhere I look around.  If that happens, expect oil prices to reach 200$.

Russian and USA relation will worsen even more. Russia wants to expand her influence on Europe and Asia but States won’t allow that to happen. 

Euro may lose much of its value or even collapse with the policy currently followed by Germany. Also some countries may leave Euro zone and create a new economic union.

Although my predictions are worse than bad, I hope people will evolve and become even better the following difficult years. It is time for people to see the best in them and others and show respect and love to those who disserve it.


What i don't like about christmas

Christmas, everyone loves the mood, the joy and the presents! You can see faces with smiles and parents playing with their kids. I think Christmas is how life should be, having time for those who you love the most and having time for yourself. Of course the meaning of Christmas has been misinterpreted and here are some of the reasons


The Christmas meal guilt and why you shouldn't have it

        As I said in yesterday's post one of the best things Christmas (most holidays and celebrations in general) is large quantities of food ready to be consumed.Even if someone isn't following a diet,it will be natural to feel a bit guilty of gaining weight after binging loads of candies,chocolates and many other things.There are two ways to avoid that feeling:

a)You can avoid it by using control methods like putting mental barriers to prevent overeating or eating less the rest of the day.
b)You can embrace it and accept that overeating can benefit you.


Christmas.The true meaning of them.

     Firstly Merry Christmas to everyone.As usual these days passed with loads of food,presents and going outside to celebrate.To be honest I like this holiday ,mostly because of the extra food,but it also gets me to think how weird it is to celebrate the birth of a man who was against materialism by doing exactly the opposite of what he preached.


Extinguish the fire before it's too late

If it was a fire department, most of the firemen would be reading a newspaper to find a new job, after letting a whole city burn to the ground. If it was a private corporation, the head manager and his team would be fired for doing everything possible to bankrupt the business. I could create endless metaphors but the meaning would stay the same, European governments and especially Germany and France do everything in their power to rip euro zone apart and destroy the global economy. 
 No we don't need Chuck Norris, we just need decisions


The power of saying NO

Only the fact that I write this article is funny as hell! Thinking how compliant and giving I have been in my life, putting barriers around me has never been clearer in my eyes.  The purpose of this article, is not to fill you with deny and make you an egocentric and arrogant creature that only cares about itself, but to put some things in order, for your own sake and others.


Dexter's season 6 finale


End of this season and I wanted to share my opinion about the finale, as a great fan of Dexter!!!

The return of the king

  The title is obviously misleading.For the fans of the Lord of the Rings trilogy the post title brings memories of the third movie.I remember seeing the movie and while i was moving out of the cinema with a bit misty eyes i was wondering if i will ever see a movie so epic as those three.To be honest i was sure that this wouldnt happen till i saw somewhere that the director of the Lord films Peter Jackson was working on a movie based on another book of Tolkien called the Hobbit.As you may have guessed i was thrilled by those news.Today after i woke up i was even happier because i saw this very promising trailer.


All about milk(well not all some)

   I remember reading a quote from Arnold,yes the once governor of California and movie star, which was something like this:children drink milk,men should drink beer.I am surely not against beer but I dont believe for sure that milk is only for children.To be honest milk is a very good drink for everyone except of course for the ones who are lactose intolerant.


Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

   At Thursday I went to see Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.This post,obviously,is  my opinion about the movie.The trailer of the movie:


Gold has hit a cap? Part 2

So why manipulate gold? If you saw the Mexican wave video from yesterday, you can easily relate it to gold. The wave just needs a good start in order to complete a whole round of the stadium. The same thing applies for gold. It just needs the correct amount of price increase, to spread enough panic and start an avalanche. 


Gold has hit a cap? Part 1

On my previous article about gold, we discussed some general stuff  about it, such as historical background, ways to own it and how the value responds to the inflation policy of the central banks. Now we will talk a bit more about the real value and wicknesses which are not depicted in the current stock market value.

I will be honest, I was a fan of gold, but in the last months my thoughts have changed. In a volatile and fluid economy, value is a relative term and we will see soon


Don't over promote yourself part 2

Last week I told you about a presentation I had been and the mistakes I noticed. Now it is time to relate the mistakes to the person and see what we can get. Believe me, it will be funny to explore  human psychology and see how many conclusion we can come up with!

Μultivitamins Useful or not?

This post is,in a way,an expansion of yesterday's post.I guess that nearly everyone has taken a multivitamin supplement.For many years multivitamin supplements were considered essential for a balanced healthy diet.Lately though some scientific studies not only question their necessity but also state that they can be harmful.



From wikipedia
A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism.In other words, an organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when it cannot be in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and on the particular organism.
In this post I will provide a list with all thirteen of them and the food sources of each one of them.


Greed and why it is good.

     We live in hard times. After the 2008 American depression the world is facing a lot of difficult decisions.People are losing their jobs daily,cant sustain their lifestyle anymore and generally there is a feeling of doubt that leads most of the times to other feelings like anger,rage,sorrow etc.This is obvious from various protests around the world.One of them the Occupy Wall Street was a protest against the greed of the bankers.It reminded me of a movie..


Don't over promote yourself part 1

Yesterday I had the pleasure (?) to watch a prensetation about social networking of Piraues Univesity. I would like to point some common mistakes that I found which you should generaly avoid.

1)One of the things the speaker said, was about paying a company to create your facebook, twitter, wordpress and other social network accounts so


Risk management

Let’s assume that you have an available starting capital, how would you manage it? Would you invest only on stocks of a growing economy? Would you purchase energy stocks or invest on foreign currencies? Unless you have a great source of information, the answer is never invest to just one! Targeting only a specific investment can be disastrous and if you got profit once it doesn’t mean you will have again anytime soon. I don’t think it worth’s the risk, being a more cautious player can be more beneficial in the long run!

In a portfolio no matter the amount of money anyone is prepared to invest,


Culture yourself

From the first days of our life, we learn things. First we learn to breath, then we learn to see and after time to walk and talk.We learn to socialize and we learn to write. These are the basic stimulants anyone had in his childhood, the fundumendals. But education is something completely different from learning. For example, if someone wants something, will he/she raise his/her voice to demand it or be decent? Will he try to let other people talk in a company or he will be cocky? Will he use his eyes to


The “but I am doing better than him” fallacy

   Last week I was reading an article about a company.That company has a product which at some point in the past had twelve million subscribers.This year though the product lost almost two million subscribers.So there were a lot of comments about whats wrong with the product but one comment was different.The person that wrote it stated that even though there was a loss of subscribers everything is fine because the company is still ahead of the competition.


Series I watch(ed) (by j@cK) Part 3

Definitely one of my favorites!! Two brothers, fight demons and try to solve mysteries of the unknown. Their weapons? Shotguns, shotguns, iron and a demon killing knife. They are called hunters, just like others who to try to solve those supernatural mysteries. Definately not that type of hunters


Series I watch(ed) (by j@cK) Part 2

Spoiler alert!!!

Heroes, one of my favorite series!! After an eclipse, some random people got superpowers. So original idea don't you think? The main villain in this serie is Sylar  and he is the lamest, most non persuasive villain of all


Series I watch(ed) (by j@cK)

This post contains spoilers, so be ready!!!


I guess 99% of you know about and have seen some episodes of the most successful series of all time. A plane crashes, on an island in the middle of the ocean and most of the passengers survive. The story is pretty


Nutrition basics-Conclusion or 3+1 ways to fix your diet

      The best diet is the one you can follow for a long time.When you think that you are food deprived you cant have results.Everyone is different and because of that general guidelines about nutrition dont work most of the time.But some general directions are always helpful for a beginner.


Nutrition basics-Number and timing of meals

    One of the most common advice nutrition wise is that you should eat a lot of small meals per day.Another one is that breakfast is the most important meal in the day and that eating at night should be avoided because you will gain more fat.There are a lot of other things like that.While most of them are justified logically they are not hard facts.A recently started trend in nutrition is people doing diets involving fasting and these diets go against most of these facts yet the people doing them see results.


Nutrition basics-Protein

Protein,the holy grail of nutrition today.Foods which contain a lot of protein such as meat,eggs,the dairy products and the protein supplements have become very popular on the Internet,they have flooded the super market shelves and they have filled athlete's diet.Studies have proven that protein consumption helps on the creation of lean muscle mass and in some situations it assists fat burning.So it seems that all this protein worshiping trend seems justified.
A T bone steak.Lots of protein in it and it is delicious as well


Value of Gold

It is known that, gold has a long history starting thousand years back.  It has been used in jewels, as a mean for transaction, as a currency, in circuits etc. but no matter the time, it symbolizes the wealth and prosperity of the holder. During wars, gold was the first valuable thing to loot and now all countries have large quantities of it in their reserves (check the link that describes the countries having the largest amounts).

Golden mask from Mycenae grave in Thessalonica museum


Are we humans really equal? (Part 2/2)

On my yesterday post i covered the basics about how people treated each other in their early days of existence. I don’t think its worth to mention the Roman Empire or the medieval ages, more or less the same rules apply as of the first part. The only thing worth mentioning is when women earned the right to vote in the western world but I don’t think how this balanced things.Let’s see why.

For thousands of years we treat each other in ways to satisfy our own interests and survival (individuals or society), why would you ever think, even for a moment that this could change now? Just like the slaves in our first civilizations, now we have Chinese or Indians to work in factories and create staff and gadgets for multinational companies, who sell their products to the "civilized". We have immigrants to “serve” us either as work labors or we choose the best for academia and research. And please, please don’t tell me about the globalized new world and the equal opportunities it gives I am going to puke. If it gave equal opportunities, then people wouldn’t need to migrate in order to have a dignified life, so simple, so true.


Are we humans really equal? (Part 1/2)

I’ve  this question on my mind for quite some time now and the conclusion I ended up with certainty is NO! Well first of all thank you for calling me racist, but let’s see if you are right …

Starting from our primitive civilization, when we hunted dears to eat and our dress code was similar to Flintstones, you had to fight for your everyday survival. If you weren’t fast or clever enough, there was a high risk to be killed


Nutrition basics-Carbs

   After fat  carbohydrates became the enemy.As with fats foods with low carbs ,especially low sugar, appeared but even with them there were no visible results on the overall health of the population.Lets see what is the matter with this macronutrient then.


Nutrition basics-Fat

   Fat was considered the thing to avoid some years ago(well in the 90s).The food industry took advantage of this and many low fat products were produced.But overweight people remained that way even by avoiding fat so it seems that fat wasn't the problem. Fat is said to be connected with various diseases and that was the main reason people avoid it.Lately though this trend is starting to change.Saturated fat isn't so bad anymore and egg yolks isn't supposed to kill you.


Nutrition basics-Calories 2

   Last time was about the definition of a calorie as a way to measure the energy going into the body.Today I will talk about how a calorie can be used to measure how much energy you spend.The first thing someone should know is the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of daily energy(calories) expended at rest.By rest I mean by doing nothing or to say it more clearly lying in bed all day watching TV or something like that.I could also say that it is the sufficient energy released in order to keep the vital organs functioning which while true creates the misconception that you will die if you dont take that amount of calories(energy).The amount of calories consisting your BMR are needed in order to stay in the same weight.If the calories are not enough for the body to sustain its functions at this weight,it will start consuming itself in order to do that.


The Art of Marketing

I was inspired to write the following after the death of Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie.

Most of you already know Mr. Jobs. He was pronounced the mister perfect innovator, a modern pioneer and the co- founder of AppleWell, to be honest I liked him but not that much. I believe he was indeed ahead of his time on the 80s and 90s. What I really acknowledge about him is PIXAR and his Stanford speech. Have you ever seen some of PIXAR’s amazing animated clips like this or this? Not to mention the exceptional films they produced! Nevertheless, he was worshiped like a messiah by the mainstream media, something which I believe he didn’t deserve that much. In my humble opinion, he was a businessman who the last 10 years sold shiny and stylish gadgets and nothing more. 


Burn the burner of the witch

It isn’t a surprise that nowadays there is a big diversity of opinions. Different cultures, different people, different mindsets, different experiences and all of these components, make the human perceive his world differently from others.  The same principal applies to the definition for truth.  In my opinion, there isn’t just one (at least in most cases), but everyone uses his/her own view to determine it, as long as he can support it with arguments.


Nutrition basics-Calories

Most of the times when you ask for advice in order to achieve a physique goal some regular answers are eat less or eat more.But what are the reasons for an answer like that?The main reason is the role of calories.You surely have heard the phrase calories in-calories out The next very good question that comes up in mind is what is a calorie.Well the calorie is a metric unit of energy.There are two definitions for it: the small or gram calorie and the large calorie or kilocalorie (kcal).The kilocalorie is used in nutritional contexts . In such context calorie and kilocalorie are equivalent.


Nutrition basics-Introduction

     A very common topic of discussion these days is nutrition. Most of the times when someone is discussing with others about this wide topic the end result is everyone being confused about what is right and wrong.The wide range of information available to a person today is to be blamed for this phenomenon.


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The goal of this site is to express our thoughts about life and intrigue our readers to use a bit more of their braincells . Nearly every possible subject will be covered and analysed . Our posts include our personal views,research material and other random things.